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One Book One Island, One Book Nova Scotia
    Thursday May 24, 2012 9:00am - 10:00am @ Patterson Hall, Room 224

    In May 2011, the PEI Public Library Service launched the inaugural One Book One Island campaign with Louise Penny's Still Life. Learn about the preparation PLS staff went through to launch a province wide campaign and some of the surprises encountered along the way.  Why choose a community reads program? Who selected the title? How did we encourage library staff to participate? What was community reaction during and after the campaign? How did we integrate this new community campaign with existing and new library services? We will also describe our plans for the next campaign.

    The session concludes with an introduction to Nova Scotia’s first ever community reads program. One Book Nova Scotia will be launched in the Fall of 2012. What book will it be and how can you participate?  Find out all this and more!


    (Moderator: Leigh Gagnier)

    Frances Newman is the CEO of the Annapolis Valley Regional Library...

    Chief Librarian, PEI Public Library Service.

    Type Session

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