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Hidden in Plain Sight: The Archives

    During APLA 2011, an archivist at Acadia University discussed her delivery of information literacy sessions with an archival twist and the collaboration of archivists and librarians.  As a follow up to that discussion, the archivist invites you to her laboratory to experience first-hand the delivery of an archival information session.  Through a practical, guided, 30-minute exercise and interactive discussion, this session will take participants on the same journey of discovery as is experienced by undergraduate students at Acadia.  The archivist will also share the results of her Winter 2012 research project, which surveyed faculty and student needs for archival support as well as developed new archival sessions.  Participants will see how the Archives – a treasure trove – has been hidden in plain sight, but is now gaining visibility. This session will be held in the Acadia Archives.


    (Moderator: Bethany Jost)


    Wendy Robicheau is an Archivist at Acadia University who never...

    Type Session

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